Saturday, January 8, 2011

The 135th hour...

有幸福喜悅的感覺伴隨著的這幾天, 人增加了很多的勇氣與動力. 但是同樣的問題, 同樣的對話, 同樣的沒有結論, 又似一盆又一盆的冷水, 一次又一次的要給那股熱情降溫. 明知不該比較愛情與友情誰輕誰重, 因為相信想愛的人會互相體諒. 想要大方的成全, 但沒法忍受犧牲自我後的"孤獨"; 想要自私的要求, 又不願令她失去她那所謂的"快樂". 然而試著改進自身, 卻還感應不到理想的目標甚至方向.

於是東張西望, 上竄下跳, 繼續尋找"靈丹妙藥"...

Monday, January 3, 2011

Wellcome! 2011!

2nd day of the year, good thing happened to me already!!!
It seems like that I am having a new start, looking forward to it!!!
THANK YOU for your trust!!!
I will try my best to make it work.